
In Trump Network You Have To Ask

If you are in Trump Network or any Network Marketing opportunity and you want to get people to become part of your team you have to ask them too. You don't need to sell them on the network marketing industry. You don't even need to sell them on your Trump business, but you must ask some questions. Asking questions is the only way to discover if someone is really interested in what you have to offer and to determine if they are worth your time.There are a lot of people out there telling you that all you have to do is invite people to a presentation. The problem is that when you invite someone to presentation they will ask you what it is about. This is when most network marketers will start talking and talking about their opportunity, they are telling selling. The products are cutting edge, the compensation plan is the most lucrative, the timing is perfect and on and on.Often what happens next is the person you are inviting will tell you they are not really interested at sexy lingerie china this time, or they will hit you with how much are you making? This all could have been avoided if you would have started by asking a question to find out if the person was open to looking for a way to make additional income. If you get a positive response invite and if you get a negative response then move on. Do not get pulled into talking about the specifics because you cannot present your opportunity in a short phone conversation. Invite and move on.Once you get them to see a presentation you are going to have ask them what they thought about it. You will almost never have a lay down sale. What I mean is that almost no one will see a presentation and then sign up. You have to ask questions. Start with, what did you like about the presentation? You will discover that most people are polite and will tell you something they liked. What ever they say they liked you can ask another question about it.People won't work with you unless you ask them. If you don't know what to ask or how to ask, don't worry you can learn. There are rc flying shark books you can buy and companies like My Lead System Pro that offer training on this subject specifically. Take the time to develop your asking skill. If you learn to ask bigger and better questions you will discover that your Trump business will grow beyond nine Eagles 260A your dreams.

